"Ahhhwuuuuuh..." At Mehringdamm in Berlin a terrifying howling has been heard night after night for some time now. Rumour has it that a pack of werewolves is up to mischief - and is satisfying its bloody hunger thanks to an innocent Berliner. But the inhabitants do not remain helpless and set out to fight the werewolves.
Generally, once a month there is always a team event at Warehousing1. But Covid-19 forces us to move our event into virtual space; creativity is required! The idea: The Werewolf Game.
How you can escape Covid-19 and experience a fun evening with the werewolf game together virtually, we will show you now.
What is it and what is required?
Actually not much. There are two groups besides the moderator: Werewolves and inhabitants. The inhabitants are differentiated by different roles:
- 1 Moderator: He directs the game and gives instructions
- 2-4 Werewolves They consult each other night after night who they will kill next. They wake up in the first night phase and recognize each other. During the day they pretend to be normal Berliners and have to hide their true identity.
- Normal Inhabitants: No special skills.
- 1 Seer: Every night she finds out the identity of a Berliner and can thus determine who is a werewolf. However, she must keep her identity secret, otherwise she will become a victim of the werewolves herself.
- 1 Sommoner She may choose one player each night who must remain silent the next day.
- 1 Amor: He only wakes up on the first night and chooses a pair of lovers who need to be kept secret. If one of them is killed, the other dies because of the broken heart.
- 1 Cursed One: He starts the game as a normal Berliner, but as soon as the werewolves attack him he also transforms into a werewolf. Every night he is called up by the moderator, who tells him through " thumbs up " that he is still a Berliner; "thumbs down" means he has become a werewolf.
- 1 Cult Leader: Every night he chooses a Berliner who has to join his cult. He wins if all living players belong to his cult at the end.
Depending on the variant and the size of the number of players, there are more roles. The mentioned ones can also be adjusted, omitted or added.
Goal and Procedure of the Game
Clearly, the werewolves want to quench their thirst and kill as many Berliners as possible. The goal is to identify and kill all werewolves so that the haunting is finally over.
There are night and day phases. At night the werewolves meet and decide who will be their next victim. In addition, the seer wakes up to gather information about the Berliners; this way she can also identify the werewolves during the process of the game.
The 1st Night
During the night phase all players sleep and close their eyes. It is important that everyone participates to keep the game fair. The moderator now has his say:
"All Berlin people of Warehousing1 fall asleep. All players now close their eyes. The werewolves wake up and look at each other."
The players should now show their appreciation as a werewolf. They are now planning if and whom they want to kill on the first night. They close their eyes again. Then the moderator calls up other roles like the seer or the cursed one by one. The day dawns and everyone wakes up. Now the villagers discuss who might be a werewolf. By a vote it is decided who belongs to the werewolves and is therefore killed.
Of course there are some special rules to be observed. Therefore here it is worth to read through the detailed instructions.
How to: Remote
Especially in exceptional times like now by Covid-19 the werewolf game is ideal. It is best to use your preferred video conferencing provider, e.g. Google Hangouts Meet. Just make sure you're on 'mute' if necessary, so that there is not a lot of background noise.
This is how it looked like at Warehousing1:

Besides wine and beer there were also pizzas from our three Warehousing1 founders. Thanks for that!
Helpful hints for the Remote - Version
The following tips will help you and your team to implement the game easy in the virtual space
- If you don't have anything to say, you better set it to 'mute
- use group chat for voting (e.g. who is suspected to be a werewolf), this serves the clarity
- The moderator writes to everyone by the private chat, which role they have taken, so that the others do not notice
- Create extra group chat for the werewolves, so they can talk freely about the next "murder"
- As soon as a fellow player is declared "dead", he can either continue to follow the game silently - or you open a second video call for the "dead" and suspects.
- Enjoy wine, beer or a drink of choice l
We at Warehousing1 tested the game in our home office and can say that it gave us a lot of fun and variety. So, let's go hunting!